The study carried out the DGRCC and procurement planning centralized, proposing to the individual holder of the ministry of finance and Public Function statement consolidated supply procurement, construction and services.
For other supplies, construction and services found of centrally managed staff DGRCC determined through which procedure does its recruitment: the framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system, or contract centralised.
It is up to the DGRCC preparing bids, management and administration of the centralized recruitment files and functions of the secretariat of the contracting authority of the state system of centralized procurement is the Centralized Procurement. Moreover, for the deconcentration incumbent upon the DGRCC the awarding of contracts based on framework agreements and of specific contracts of dynamic systems, except in the case of the entities which they applied the general rules of the entity.
/>There are different governance models centralized recruitment here.
On systems of information, corresponds to the DGRCC the manning of technological resources for the improvement and also incorporated in a centralized recruitment, as well as to its transformation. Specifically, manages the implementation of the state system of centralized recruitment through which are based contracts and specific contracts, as well as the management of the catalogue of products and services awarded.