Through the application CONECTA-CENTRALIZACIÓN can be made electronically and secure the various efforts related to recruitment of products and services available in the framework agreements and dynamic purchasing systems in force.
Also, and on the basis of the commitment to transparency that has acquired this directorate-General, it is possible to see the catalogue of all open to products and services available in the state system of Centralized Recruitment.
CONNECTS was approved by resolution of the directorate-General of the state patrimony of 16 may 2005. Based on age, as well as to the continuous changes functional since its inception in production, necessary for their appropriateness to the evolution of the model of centralized recruitment policy changes in the area of recruitment, security, data protection or accessibility, CONNECTS shows high levels of technological obsolescence and little maintainability.
Since the initial configuration CONNECTS the number of services and supplies that are declared centralized procurement contracts awarded annually and the number of users, have experienced a significant increase. In turn, the technology was developed this tool has become obsolete, requiring progressive migration to a new tool, AUNA, which will enable new functionalities and in whose development has been working over the past few years.
The replacement of connects AUNA, shall be conducted progressively from 2023. This strategy means that both systems to be in operation simultaneously during a period of time.
Both applications allow the following procedures to be carried out:
For citizens:
Consultation of the open catalog of centralized procurement products and services.
For public bodies using the system:
Purchase products or services.
Consult the catalog of centralized procurement products and services.
Compare existing products.
Send requests for products and services electronically.
Track the status of requests made.
Receive notifications regarding product and service requests.
For awarded companies:
Electronically submit proposals for updates to awarded products or services.
Manage user registrations, cancellations and modifications.
Consult those contracts based on and/or specific to which they are awarded.
Manuals and user guides
User manuals for companies.
Techincal manuals
User manuals for companies
User manuals for organizations
NOTE: Important note for administrators of agencies Conecta-Auna
NOTE: If you do not access the initial screen of the AUNA application, check with your IT department that your organization has a connection to the SARA Network:
If you have connection to the SARA Network: for operating incidents and technical checks, go to
If you do not have a connection to the SARA Network and wish to manage it, acces for more information and contact