In accordance with the 229.2 item of the Public Sector contracts law, the Centralized Recruitment system State is compulsory for the General state administration, its Autonomous bodies, Entities and Common services of Social security, public universities and independent administrative authorities, companies with own legal personality and other state public Entities. More information.
In the Order EHA/1049/2008 of 10 april, and centralized procurement services cover the products and services included in the area of the state system of centralized procurement and the specificities to be taken into account in each case.
In the security and cleaning services should be taken into account the transitional provisions second and third, respectively, since the centralization of temporarily contracts only applies to services provided in certain geographical areas and in buildings intended for certain uses.
Available on the regulation of centralization in the Regulations of this Portal.
In the Catalogue section of this Portal contains a list of products and services available in the state system of Centralized Recruitment.
In the Catalogue section of this Portal centralized Procurement shows the list of products and services to centralized procurement is available. To see articles, together with their details and prices, including in the catalogue, you can access this page.
In the framework agreements and dynamic purchasing systems without detailed product with compulsory bidding process, it is not possible to consult the details and prices for goods acquired, as they have been established in the framework agreement.
If you are included within the compulsory subjective follow the instructions laid down for each framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system and be registered in the implementation of the state system of centralized procurement CONECTA-CENTRALIZACIÓN.
If you belong to an administration of an autonomous community, local authority, a corporation, foundation, or an entity of the state sector not included in the area of compulsory recruitment centralized ub must first accede to the state system of Centralized Recruitment. See How i associate myself for more information.
First, specific instructions on framework agreements, or dynamic purchasing system, available via the corresponding tab of the catalogue section. The instructions you will find the forecasts to be considered for filing of an award proposal, as well as in his case, those relating to the bidding process.
For the proposal to award, is due to accede to the implementation CONECTA-CENTRALIZACIÓN since they conducted all efiling for the acquisition of a product or service included in one of framework agreements or dynamic purchasing system in force.
When they are given certain conditions and circumstances, an agency recruitment outside the state system of Centralized Recruitment. In this connection, please consult the Authorizations and exceptions of this Portal.
In particular, if the product or service that i want to gain is centralised procurement, but not covered by existing catalogue my needs, it must request authorization to DGRCC to recruit outside the catalogs via implementation Autorizex, motivating that awarded products or services do not meet the essential features to meet the needs of the target organism.
The bodies attached to a framework agreement or dynamic system should report quarterly to the DGRCC of recruitment outside them.
If you are not included within the compulsory subjective as referred to in item 229.2 LCSP, and you belong to a body of an autonomous community, local authority, a corporation, foundation, and other bodies of the Public Sector, regional or Local level, you might ask for its accession to the State system of Centralized Recruitment. See How i agree, for more information.
You can request any information regarding the accession to the state system generic recruitment centralized, or accession to the various specific framework agreements and dynamic systems, by contacting us an email to
The procedure to be followed in the framework agreement regulators or dynamic purchasing system, and in the instructions prepared for each of them. In the relevant catalogue can access these documents.
If you are within the subjective scope of the compulsory centralised procurement, or acceded to the system for the service or provision in question, it is not possible to hiring outside of it: it must use the centralized system. In the case of needs that cannot be met through the products or services pre-established, it could request an exemption to recruit outside the Procurement.
Should inform the DGRCC, indicating the contract that has created problems, presenting clear justification.
In the Contact section you will have at your disposition all care mailboxes questions and suggestions.
The procedure followed in each case is established by the relevant regulatory framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system, and in the instructions prepared for each of them. In the respective catalog tab you can access these documents.