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Compulsory Subjective Scope

In accordance with item 229 of the LCSP, the centralized recruitment system state is compulsory for all entities, entities and agencies noted in the letters a), (b) (c), (d) and (g) of paragraph 1 of article 3 of the law which belong to the state sector, except that contracts have been declared of secret or reserved in accordance with the law about regulation of the official secrets.

In other words, it is mandatory for the General state administration, its autonomous bodies, entities and common services of Social security and other state public Entities see our links.

If you are included in the Area, you must make compulsory recruitment of supplies and services declared centralized recruitment through the state system of Centralized Recruitment.

However, in certain situations, it is possible to apply for leave to DGRCC to recruit outside the state system of Centralized Recruitment. You can consult these assumptions in the section Authorizations and Exceptions