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Economic Operators

The General Directorate of Rationalization and centralizing Recruitment manages the state system of Centralized Recruitment through the convening of centralized procurement.

You can consult our catalogue of current contracts, and forthcoming contracts for tender in the Annual Procurement Plan.

If you still haven't been contracted by the Administration, see the section “How to participate” where you will find a small guide to the necessary steps towards becoming a supplier to the General State Administration.

Also for SMEs

The accumulated demand of the various departments and agencies involves potential economies of scale per se, but the DGRCC has adopted measures to prevent the centralization process negatively affecting competition in specific sectors which also may involve a limited access for SMEs.

For this reason, in this line of promotion of competition, the advisability of said demand not being satisfied in general by a single company is valued. Various mechanisms are used to ensure that SMEs can access centralized contracts:
Division into lots: it encourages several companies to be awarded the same service. Thus, in the case of the centralized cleaning service contract, 18 lots have been established, in the security services contract 10 lots, etc.
Limitation of enterprises to be presented or be executors of lots: in the case of cleaning contract is limited to those who may submit offer, and the security contract limited the number of lots of that same bidder can be adjudicatario. These measures are clearly beneficial to the administration while constitutes an opening to smes. The presence of smes is particularly important in these sectors, so that their presence in these tenders each tenderer helps to optimize its offer to those lots in those who can make a proposal more competitive while gets a diversification in the award.
Leave outside the scope of centralization in some cases, procurement of lesser amount of $15,000 (contracts minors). This may contract with smaller companies.
Modulation of the criteria of solvency in all contracts and framework agreements: has sought a balance between the logic need for reliable bidders and the desirability of establishing standards and requirements are likely to be met by a large number of companies.
Weighting of the evaluation criteria of tenders (technical characteristics, price, territorial coverage, etc.) that would enable smes to the possible award of these contracts.
Possibility of awarding of contracts to temporary unions of companies (UTE) that are a vehicle especially suited to the incorporation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

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