There are various models of management in function of the instrument through which the recruitment, which can differentiate the following:
The contracting authority of a framework agreement (AM) or a dynamic purchasing system (SDA) is the Centralized Procurement while, have been decentralized in the General directorate of Rationalization and centralizing Recruitment (DGRCC) its powers, except those relating to acts of award. Therefore, it is up to the formalization of DGRCC AM or SDA with the contracting companies of companies Or AM admitted SDA, changes, as appropriate, the imposition of penalties etc.
The AM and SDA do not entail spending dossier since this does not materialize until there is a contract which is based or specific.
With regard to specific contracts, and the contracting authority is the DGRCC, except in the case of the entities in which the general rules of the entity.
In general, the target organism identifying needs to be filled through the contract and, where necessary to convene a second auction off the contract, conduct all pre-procurement. Once the relevant formalities, the prescribed target organism of supply or service will propose to the DGRCC the procurement concerned.
The contracts based and posing a specific case of expenditure that should be dealt with by the target organism from service or supply to hire, where it belongs the reception and payment of hazard pay.
The proposals of award was dealt with through the implementation Conecta-centralización and for the specific case of AM electricity has also developed an application called ELECTRA intended to facilitate the management of their contracts based.
With this management model, the savings result directly in the budgets of the requesting organizations.
The contracting authority is the Centralized Procurement, while, have been decentralized in the General directorate of Rationalization and centralizing Recruitment (DGRCC) its powers, except those relating to acts of award. That is why the DGRCC is the competent body for the formalization of the contract, as well as for their amendments, imposition of penalties, extension, resolution of the contract, etc.
From the point of view económico-financiero, is different about the competences for the adoption and the commitment of expenditure, which are of the person DGRCC holder and the right to recognition of the obligations and of the proposals, which are delegated to the bodies designated by each department or agency included in the contract centralized, except in the case of centralized telecommunications contract that is delegated to the General secretariat of Digital Administration ministry for economic affairs and Digital Processing and the contract of ex post evaluation of the effectiveness of publicity campaigns in the institutional that have not been delegate these powers.
From the point of view of the implementation of the contract, the departments and agencies included in the same are competent to agree to the services or supplies the scope of the contract and the invoices, which allows to configure a decentralized management of the contract linked with the responsibility of the monitoring of implementation of the contract by recipients.
In these contracts are centralized including entities of the Social security that have had their own provisions for centralized contracts being responsible, in addition, the follow-up to the implementation of the contract.
In the case of the contract of service of centralized travel agency does not have been centralized the provision under section 10 so each centre must pay manager services under its own budget.