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Methodology for the preparation of framework agreements, dynamic systems, and centralized contracts.

The process of preparation of framework agreements, dynamic systems, and centralized contracts, comprised of multiple proceedings, especially when it first addressed the centralized procurement of supplies or services. These measures are centred on the analysis of the supply and demand, as well as the provision or service whose employment was centralized, as a run-up to the development of the solicitation documents that will govern the recruitment.

  1. ANÁLISIS OF CLAIM (“ needs of the administration ”):
  • Determination of services and supplies of common use by the administration.
  • Qualitative and quantitative study of needs of the ministries and agencies, based on the information provided by those, to specify the characteristics of supplies and services to acquire.
  • Analysis of information regarding the contracts in force before centralization: technical requirements, basic aspects of the individual administrative clauses, amounts, etc.
  1. SUPPLY ANÁLISIS (“ market study ”):
  • Study of the rules of implementation and sectoral meetings, as appropriate, with the ministries or agencies with powers of regulation of the relevant sector in order to ensure that the specifications, regulators that conform to the rules and the interpretative criteria of the competent bodies.
  • Analysis of the sector's companies: analysis of territorial jurisdictions, typology of enterprises by product by specialization (e.g. fabricantes-distribuidoras), aspects of competition, representation of SMES, subcontracting, among others.
  • Analysis of products on the market, as well as the prices. A study regarding costs (including, if any wage costs).
  • Analysis of legal norms and techniques which affect the supplies or services to be hired.
  • Analysis of the characteristics and specifications of the provision or service.
  • Analysis of environmental and social aspects of the provision or service and public policies that relate to it.
  • Determination of the technique of rationalization of procurement to use, as well as the characteristics and key terms of the same.
  • Development of the technical requirements and particular administrative clauses. This development is, in the centralized contracts, a process of parameter setting of services which establishes common criteria for its provision – without prejudice to respect those specific needs of each ministry or agency.
  • In the procedures which undertake for the first time the centralized procurement of supplies or services, is requested of the report to the national commission on the Markets and competition.