These principles are of particular relevance in the management of funds of the Plan of Transformation, recovery and resilience remain essential for the development of a management with all the guarantees for the financial interests of spain and the european Union. Thus, in the implementation of the funds be especially careful to ensure the prevention, detection and correction of fraud, and the fight against corruption and conflict of interests.
Below highlights both the main instruments which have been developed in the fight against fraud - especially in the area of recruitment pública- as the most relevant units concerned:
Internal system of informationunder law 2/2023, protection to people who report offences policy and fight against corruption, in the area of the ministry of finance.
External information channel: Independent Authority for Whistleblower Protection (whose Statute was approved by Royal Decree 1101/2024, of October 29).
Systematic analysis of the risk of conflict of interest.
Other Bodies and units with competence in respect of integrity and fight against fraud:
National commission on the markets and competition (CNMC).
Swiss coordination unit, uclaf. General Intervention of state administration (IGAE).
Secretariat-General of european funds.
Guidelines for the strengthening of mechanisms for the prevention, detection and correction of fraud, corruption and conflict of interest, referred to in article 6 of the order HFP 1030/2021, of 29 september, which sets the PRTR management
General Directorate of Rationalization and centralizing Recruitment.