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Forum of Autonomous Procurement Centres

The purpose of the Forum of Autonomous Procurement Centres is to be a tool that enables the sharing of experiences, challenges and solutions related to the procedures for rationalising procurement and the activity of the State and Autonomous Procurement Centres.

If you belong to the Forum of Autonomous Procurement Centres, and you have your username and password click here to access.

If you belong to an Autonomous Procurement Centre, but you do not have your username and password, contact the General Directorate of Rationalisation and Centralisation of Procurement to obtain them.

First meeting of the Forum of Procurement Centres

On 29 May 2018, at the headquarters of the National Institute of Public Administration, the first meeting of the Forum of Procurement Centres was held, organised by the DGRCC, with the presence of those responsible for the Procurement Centres or Procurement Units of all the autonomous regions. The meeting was attended by a representative of the European Commission, who submitted the forecasts of public procurement in Europe and the Deputy Director General of Electronic Procurement of the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service, who described the implementation of the electronic tender on the Public Procurement Platform. Under this initiative, the purpose is to create a network for mutual knowledge of the different organisational and procedural models on the centralisation of procurement in Spain, at a State and autonomous region level, and for the exchange of experiences and good practices, in pursuit of obtaining a public procurement more specialised and professional.