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Centralized Contracts

What is a centralized contract?

Centralized in the contract are integrated in a single file, benefits for several ministries and agencies. Unlike the framework agreement or the dynamic purchasing system, in the centralized contract identifies the benefits the company is obliged to perform, and determines the amount of the contract and its financing.

These contracts are charged to the programme 923R centralized recruitment under section 10 of the ministry of finance, which is managed by the DGRCC. Exempts this system of funding for the Entities and Common Services of Social security, whose costs are charged against the budgets of the Social security.

This model of recruitment, with regard to the framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system, allows greater homogenization in the required levels of service delivery in the various ministries and agencies, since the identification of needs is carried out in the solicitation documents of the contract, prepared by the DGRCC. For the preparation of this document, the DGRCC conducts a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the needs of the entities and agencies included in the Scope of the contract.

The management procedure económico-presupuestaria consists in the centralized management, by the DGRCC, these budgetary allocations to the stage of commitment of expenditure, with decentralized management of the reconnaissance phase of the obligation and proposal for designated officials in each department or agency.

The effective control of service delivery corresponds to the individual centres managers, which are those who do the follow-up to its correct implementation and those who certify compliance with the same and ordered the payment of invoices.

The only exceptions are the centralized service contract for travel agency, which is financed through the provision of the recipients of these services, and the contract of ex post evaluation of the effectiveness of institutional publicity campaigns, which has not been decentralized to the recognition of the obligation and proposal of payment.

Catalogue of centralized contracts