For the purposes of increasing the transparency of centralized procurement processes and of ascertaining the views of the business sector to which the framework agreements are directed, the DGRCC, prior to the approval of the conditions of tender, will hold meetings with business associations and public sessions with potential tenderers and associations. Over the course of the last two years, the following sessions or public consultations have been held:
On 12 December 2013 an information session was held for major operators in the service station sector (REPSOL, CEPSA, BP, DISA PENÍNSULA (LICENSED BY SHELL) and DISA RED DE SERVICIOS PETROLÍFEROS) for auto fuel and a questionnaire was issued so that companies could give their opinions on different aspects of the contract.
On 30 January 2014 an information session was held for motor manufacturers, for the presentation of a new framework agreement for the procurement of passenger cars, and to gather the opinions of the sector with regard to a number of issues in the form of a questionnaire forwarded to the DGRCC. This session was attended by representative of 26 companies and associations.
On 26 March 2014 an information session was held for the private security, sector for the presentation of the first phase of centralized procurement of private security and monitoring services for the various buildings of four ministries and numerous agencies in Madrid, which was attended by more than 60 people from 45 companies and associations. After the meeting, a questionnaire was issued to companies in attendance on specific aspects of the tender, such as the term of contract, integration of services, lot distribution, etc.
On 1 April 2014, an informative session gathered 68 representatives from 61 companies and business associations from the advertising, sector to present the centralized public procurement procedure of the purchase of advertising spaces in media and other advertising media for institutional advertising.
An information meeting was hosted on 8 April 2014, attended by more than 100 representatives of companies and associations from the cleaning sector, after which a questionnaire was handed out to gather opinions on certain aspects of the contract, including the annual amount that would make the contract accessible for companies of different sizes.
29 April and 9 June separate information sessions were held for companies in the travel agency industry. It was attended by 35 representatives from companies and associations and the purpose of the session was to present the tender process for the centralized contract for integral travel agency services for the General State Administration, to show companies the general lines of the public procurement procedure and to gather their points of view on different aspects of the contract by means of a questionnaire.
On July 4 2014, a meeting was held for the presentation of a framework agreement for the supply of electicity to the General State Administration, to which all electricity suppliers were invited. This meeting was attended by more than 40 representatives of 28 companies. After the meeting a questionnaire was handed out to the companies with questions on different aspects of the approach of the framework agreement.
On 17 July 2014, a session was held for the presentation of the postal service (phase I) contract, and was attended by representative of the major companies in the postal services industry and business associations. In addition, meetings were held with representatives of the major business organizations including ASEMPRE and UNO.
On July 17 2014 a Public Meeting was held regarding the framework agreement for the centralized procurement of general and specialized furniture, which more than 100 representatives from 66 companies and associations attended.
On 2 October 2014 an information session was held with companies from the audiovisual sector, with more than 100 representatives from 65 companies confirming their attendance.
On 15 April 2015, a meeting was held for the presentation of a framework agreement for the supply of Non-Inventory Office Supplies (MONI, as per the Spanish Acronym) of the General State Administration, to which all associations and companies within the sector were invited. The meeting was attended by 35 persons representing said companies and associations. After the meeting a questionnaire was handed out to the companies with questions on different aspects of the approach of the framework agreement
On 10 July 2015, an information session with companies and associations from the information technology sector regarding framework agreement 26/2011 for IT systems development services, which more the 98 people attended.
On 3 February 2016 the main operators in the industry of office, laboratory, medical and geriatric furniture received a questionnaire asking for their feedback on several points relating to the centralized procurement of these supplies. Responses were received from 29 companies within the term established for feedback.
On 23 February 2016 the main operators in the industry of personal computers and office software received a questionnaire asking for their feedback on several points relating to the centralized procurement of these supplies. Responses were received from 12 companies within the term established for feedback.