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Centralized Procurement Logo

Legal Warning

The Directorate-General for the Rationalization and Centralization of Procurement (hereinafter, DGRCC) attached to the Sub-Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, is the body holding the Internet domain:

The use of this website implies the express and full acceptance of these general terms and conditions as per the version published the moment the user enters the site, notwithstanding any possible specific terms and conditions that may apply to some contents or services of the website. In any case, the updating of information and services is not immediate and therefore, there may be gaps between the updating and the publication. We suggest that you verify at all times the validity and accuracy of the information, services and contents included in the website.

The terms and conditions set out in this Legal Warning are also subject to amendments so we suggest that you read them every time you access the Site.

  1. General Terms and Conditions of the Website

    The information contained in the website, as well as the answers that may be offered to the questions raised by users through the related email boxes, comply with the general information and citizen services provisions set out in Article 4 of Royal Decree 208/1996, of 9 February, on the regulation of administrative information and citizen services; which means that the information published in the Site does not imply a normative interpretation or any legal or financial undertaking on the party of the body holding the domain; its purposes are solely informative and therefore no legal effect shall be created in relation thereto.

    In order to improve the performance of the website, we reserve the right to temporarily modify, extend or withdraw, without prior notice to users and at any time, the presentation, settings, technical specifications and services of the website, at our own discretion.

  2. Intellectual and industrial property rights on the design, logos and other images of the DGRCC website

    Both the design of the website and its source codes, such as logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs, included in the site are owned by the DGRCC and are protected by virtue of the relevant intellectual and industrial property rights. Such protection shall also cover any images contained in the same.

    Use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or similar activity is prohibited, except in cases of express authorization of the department. The license to use the elements specified in this section of this portal, attached to the user or user is limited to the discharge of such content and the private use of it, provided that the above-mentioned contents remain Integral.

    The DGRCC declares its respect for intellectual and industrial property rights of others; therefore, if it considers that this site might be to violate their rights, you can contact the DGRCC through the webmaster of the portal, in the following email address:

  3. Personal Data Protection

    The personal data requested in the mailbox services and subscriptions from this web page are processed confidentially in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) and of Constitutional Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Data Protection and the Guarantee of Digital Rights.

    Anyone is entitled to obtain information on the processing of their data carried out by the DGRCC. As regards all those issues relating to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights, you can get in touch with the Data Protection Officer at the Ministry of the Treasury using this information request form.

    You can exercise before the data controller, as applicable, your rights to access, correction, erasure and data portability, to limit and object to the processing, to withdraw your consent, as well as the right not to be subject to decisions solely based on the automated processing of your data, by filling in this form to exercise your rights.

    You can exercise your right to make a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency at C/ Jorge Juan 6, 28001 MADRID, through the following link.

    Prior to the presentation of said claim, you can address the Data Protection Officer at the Ministry of the Treasury in accordance with the provisions of Article 37(1) of the aforesaid Constitutional Law through this preliminary claim form.

    Consult more information on the matter and the contact details of the Data Protection Officer at the Ministry of the Treasury through the data protection channel.

  4. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

    The law applicable in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any issue related to the services of this portal, is spanish law. For the resolution of any conflict that may arise during the visit to the portal or the use of its services, the DGRCC and the user or the user agree to submit to the judiciary and courts of the domicile of the user or user, as long as it is located on spanish territory.

  5. Reuse of Information of the Public Sector

    • Enforceability of General Terms and Conditions

      These general terms and conditions, provided for an indefinite term under, shall be binding for any reuser of its contents, just on the grounds of such reuse of the documents subject to such terms and conditions. For these purposes, the term reuser shall refer to any natural or legal person who reuses information of the public sector whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

    • Authorization for the Reuse and Non-Exclusive Assignment of Intellectual Property Rights

      These general terms and conditions allow for the reuse of those documents subject to them for commercial and non-commercial purposes. The term reuse shall refer to the use of documents held by the bodies of the General State Administration and other entities and institutions within the national public sector referred to in Article 1.2 of Royal Decree 1495/2011, of 24 October, which develops Law 37/2007, of 16 November, on the reuse of the information from the national public sector, on the part of natural or legal persons for commercial or non-commercial purposes as long as said use does not qualify as a public administrative activity. The authorized reuse includes, without limitation, activities such as the copy, spreading, modification, adaptation, extraction, rearrangement and combination of information.

      The term 'document' shall be construed as provided in Article 3 of Law 37/2007, of 16 November, on the reuse of the information from the national public sector, according to the wording set forth in Law 18/2015, of 9 July, amending Law 37/2007, of 16 November, on the reuse of the information from the national public sector, which includes any information, whatever its material or electronic medium, as well as any manner of graphic or sound expression or that embedded in images, including, consequently, data within the most disaggregated levels or "raw".

      Likewise, this authorization involves a free non-exclusive assignment of industrial property rights, if any, corresponding to such documents, for the carrying out of those reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation activities that may be necessary for the performance of the authorised reuse activity in any manner and format, universal and for the maximum term permitted by Law.

    • General Reuse Conditions

      The following general terms and conditions shall apply to the reuse of those documents subject thereto:

      1. It is forbidden to change the meaning of the information.

      2. The source of the documents subject matter of the reuse must be quoted. Such quotation must be drafted as follows: "Data Source: "Directorate-General for Rationalization and Centralization of Procurement - Ministry of Finance".

      3. The date of the last version of the documents subject matter of the reuse must be included as long as such date was included in the original document.

      4. It must not be stated or suggested that the DGRCC, holder of the reused information, supports, sponsors or takes part in the reuse of the relevant information.

      5. Metadata on the update date and applicable reuse conditions included, where appropriate, in the document authorised for reuse, must be kept and they shall not be altered or eliminated.

    • Exclusion of Liability

      The use of data sets will be undertaken by the users and clients or reuse under your own risk, yielding exclusively to them to respond against third parties for damage arising out of it.

      The DGRCC shall not be liable for the use made of its information by reusers; likewise, it shall not be liable for those damages or economic losses that cause or may cause, directly or indirectly, economic or material damages or damages on data, arisen from the use of the information reused.

      The DGRCC does not guarantee the continuity in the availability of the reusable documents, regarding both contents and layout, and it shall not be held liable for any error or omission contained therein.

    • Responsibility of the Reuser

      Reusers shall be subject to the applicable regulations on the reuse of information from the public sector, including the penalty provisions set forth in Article 11 of Law 37/2007, of 16 November.

  6. Links e hiperlinks

    These amendments may affect those hyperlinks contained in the website which redirect to third-party websites. The DGRCC shall not be liable for the contents, information or services that may be contained in said sites, the pages of which are not owned by it; likewise, it does not review its contents, which shall have an exclusively informative nature and which do not necessarily imply a relationship with the persons or entities holding such contents or the sites where they are contained.

    The domain may appear linked in pages that are maintained by third parties. This does not imply the existence of relations between the DGRCC and those who held the ownership of said web pages, nor to accept or approve any or all of its content or services. As a result, no such person may be declared nor to suggest that DGRCC expressly authorizes the hyperlink, nor that assumes or monitors in every possible way the services offered or made available in the same.

    Those pages containing a link to the domain may not include any trademark, name, logo, slogan or any other distinctive sign belonging to the DGRCC, with the exception of those hyperlinked by the DGRCC itself. Likewise, they may not include illicit information or contents that may be contrary to public morality and generally accepted moral standards nor contents that may infringe the rights of third parties.

    The DGRCC does not guarantee nor accepts responsibility for the quality, accuracy, reliability, appropriateness or morality of the contents or services established by means of the hyperlink. Those persons accessing said websites undertake, under their own responsibility, the consequences, damages or actions that may arise from the access to the website directed through the hyperlink.

  7. Multilingual Version

    The centralised procurement web portal is translated into several official languages in Spain in their respective regions, pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of the Spanish Constitution and its Statutes of Autonomy. These languages are Catalan, Euskara and Gallego. It is also translated into a foreign language (English).

    The content of the portal is translated at different levels of depth. Legislation and different office documents published are excluded from translation.

    The content of this website has been originally written in Castilian Spanish and translated using machine translation tools, and as such may contain errors. On a general basis, you are informed that there may be a certain misalignment between the version in Castilian Spanish and the versions in other languages as a result of their translation.

    The official text of this web page is Castilian Spanish. Should you have any doubts or queries regarding the accuracy of the information contained in any part of the text translated on this website, please consult the official version in Castilian Spanish.

  8. Cookie Policy

    The Centralized Contracting web portal temporarily installs cookies, with the sole and exclusive purpose of being able to visualize said portal in several languages and the identification of the session.

    A cookie does not identify a person, but a combination of computer-browser-user, they have a limited temporary validity and in no case are used to collect personal information.

    The DGRCC follows the legal regulation and guidelines in this area of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

    Specifically, the only cookies that would be installed would be the following:

    In order to browse the website it is not necessary to allow for the installation of this cookie so it can be disabled directly in your browser settings. In this latter case, the default language (Spanish) shall be the one displayed.

  9. Frames

    The DGRCC expressly prohibits the realization of "framings" or use by third parties from any other mechanisms that alter the design, original configuration or contents of its portal.

  10. Accessibility

    Consult the Accessibility Declaration of this portal.