Ms Rosado Santurino holds a degree in Economic and Business Sciences from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and is a senior member of the General Auditing Department of the Social Security Administration. She has since held many roles in the area of economic, financial and budgetary management in several ministries, among them the following: Sub-Director General for Administration and Management Control, Sub-Director for the Budget Office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Senior Official in the Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sports, Sub-Director General for the Budget Office and Financial Management at the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration and Sub-Director General of Budget Coordination and Management in the General Directorate of Rationalization and Centralization of Procurement.
A graduate in Company Administration and Management from the Autonomous University of Madrid. She belongs to the Senior State Comptrollers and Auditors Corps. Between 2014 and 2017, she worked as Regional Comptroller for Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and was appointed as the Delegate for Economy and the Treasury of this province in 2015.
A law graduate from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid [Autonomous University of Madrid]. A member of the Senior Corps of State Civil Administrators. Between 2002 and 2005, she held the post of Assistant Director-General of Human Resources in the Ministries of Economy, and of Industry, Tourism and Trade. Between 2005 and 2008, she held the post of Assistant Director-General of Coordination, Technical Assistance and Organisational Development at the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade. In 2008, she was appointed as the Head of the Technical Office of the Under-Secretariat of Science and Innovation and in 2012 of the Under-Secretariat of Economy and Competitiveness.
In industrial engineering from the Universidad politécnica de Madrid, has worked in ict sector since 2005. In the year 2018 is incorporated into the General state administration body as Senior Information systems and technology of state administration, first in the ministry of justice, and from 2021, in the ministry of finance. He is currently the Deputy director-General for Centralized Procurement of technology, General Directorate of Rationalization and centralizing Recruitment.
Bachelor's degree in Law from the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Belongs to the Superior Body of State Comptrollers and Auditors, to the Superior Body of State Tax Inspectors (on leave), and to the non-commissioned officer scale of the General Corps of the Army (on leave). Deputy Comptroller in various Ministries and Autonomous Organizations (1998-2017). Member of the Central Administrative Court of Contractual Resources (2017-2024).
He holds a degree in Economics and Business by the Universidad de Valladolid and a master's degree in Public Administration by the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública. He is a member of the High Corps of Sate Controllers and Auditors and he also belongs to the Technical Bureau of the Tax Department (on temporary leave). Member of the Central Administrative Court for Contractual Appeals since its establishment in 2010 until May 2017.
Holder of a degree in Physical Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and a civil servant in the Senior Corps of Systems and Information Technologies of the State Administration. Since 2013, he has held various positions in the Directorate General for the Rationalization and Centralization of Procurement. Prior to joining the Public Administration, he developed his professional career in various companies in the ICT sector.
Organizational Chart of the DGRCC
If you would like to know how the Sub-Directorate General manages each contract, please Contact the DGRCC.